Tuesday, 26 July 2011



ICMR being a premier research agency for formulation, coordination and promotion of Biomedical Research in the country is also engaged in promoting critical mass of human resources as well as fostering research temperament amongst medical graduates. Amongst its several Human Resource Development programmes the Council is instituting a new scheme of providing financial assistance to selected medical graduates who are pursuing postgraduate programmes through recognized medical institutions. 

This scheme is primarily aimed at promoting good quality research in medical colleges through students pursuing post graduation courses as well as improve visibility and accessibility of their research work to larger research audience.  The council through the financial assistance to medical graduates ensures procuring an electronic and hard copy of MD/MS/DM/MCH dissertation thesis, which is to be displayed in its library as well as salient highlights posted on its website. The highlights of scheme are as follows :
  1. The Council will provide financial assistance of Rs.25,000 to selected candidates pursuing post graduate courses (MD/MS/DM/MCH)
  2. Number of Awards: Limited to 50 per year. 
  3. Eligibility: Medical graduates who are admitted to the MD/MS/DM/MCH courses in any of the MCI recognized Institute/College and who wish to avail of the ICMR award for pursuing their research project. 
  4. Upper age limit:  45 years. 
  1. Procedure for selection:
1.1       The scheme would be widely publicised though advertisement in leading news papers, circulars to the medical institutions and ICMR website twice a year.
1.2    Candidates must apply within 12 months of registration for the course.
1.3    The application should be routed through their guide and the head of the institution.
1.4    The candidate and the guide will indicate their choice of the research topic and will give a brief description of the objectives, methodology, design of the study, expected out come, Up-to-date literature search, ethical considerations and facilities available at the institute for conducting the study as per the proposed protocol and an undertaking by the head of the institute that the candidate will be permitted to undertake the proposed research activity.  Submit 12 copies of the detailed research proposal.
1.5    Selection would be made on the basis of merit. Objective scoring would be used to assess the grant applications with respect to (i) Academic performance of the candidate (ii) Research topic (eg.  Innovativeness, Relevance of work, Application Research) etc. In the event of leaving this scheme the whole amount will be remitted to the council with suitable justifications.
1.6    The application for financial assistance should include, curriculum vitae of the candidates, description of the proposed research activity (1000 words) and a honest statement of the candidate about his/her dedication to the area of proposed research.
1.7    Selection will be done by an expert committee duly constituted for this purpose.
  1. Financial Assistance:

2.1  The Council would provide a total assistance of Rs. 25,000/- to the selected candidates ‘on the condition’ that the candidate would provide following documents to the Council. An undertaking to the effect that the funds received from the council will be used strictly for the purpose for which it has been released and;
In the event of leaving this scheme the whole amount will be remitted to the council with suitable justifications.
2.1.1 A copy of the thesis submitted to the University/Institute as a part of the postgraduate programme.
2.1.2  An electronic copy of the same
2.1.3 A short summary of the thesis (2-5 pages) prepared by him, outlining the objectives, methodology, findings and discussion.
2.2 The financial assistance of Rs.25000/- would be provided in two installments
2..2.1. Rs.15,000/- at the time of selection when the award letter is issued.
2.2.2. Rs.10,000/- at the end of the course on production of documents listed at 2.1.
2.3 The grant shall be issued in the name of the candidate directly with a copy to the Guide and the head of the Institute.
2.4 The amount will be used by the candidate for pursuance of research and may use the funds for purchase of reagents, preparation of thesis, secretarial assistance or any other activity connected with the research project following fair and reasonable procedure. 
2.5 He will be required to provide information to the Council regarding the manner in which the funds were utilized duly signed by the Head of the Institute/college. 
  1. Monitoring:
Every attempt will be made by the Committee to identify a scientist from discipline appropriate to the research topic as a mentor, to monitor the project continuously till the research project is completed and reported.  He will be in communication with the guide/ the student who will make periodic reports on the progress of the project and will give appropriate advice and guidance to the student for future course of action and mid-course correction, if needed.  The monitor, the guide and the student should work as a team and ensure that the output is a thesis of reasonably good quality and can be reported in scientific journals.
  1. Submission/Publication of thesis:
4.1 The preparation and submission of thesis will be the responsibility of the student and his guide.  The candidate will acknowledge the assistance provided by ICMR for any publication emerging out of this thesis. 
4.2 The candidate should submit documents listed in item No.2.1 within three months of submission of thesis to the institution/organization failing which, The award will be treated cancelled and all financial assistance provided will be reimbursed to the DG, ICMR.
  1. Selection of candidates at the sole discretion of council 
  2. The scheme can be withdrawn at any time.
  3. This scheme is not linked with any other research capacity building schemes under which the students are in receipt of stipend etc.  
Application duly filled by the candidates in ICMR format forwarded by the guide and Certified by Dean/Principal may be sent twice in a year, before 30th June or 31st   

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