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by Aravind. A, II yr MBBS, Dr. P. K. Mohanty, M.D,Dept. of Biochemistry
Vinayaka Mission Medical College & Hospital, (V.M.M.C. & H), Karaikal
The study was conducted on 95 alcoholics who were taken as cases and 44 non-alcoholics who were taken as controls. The objective behind the study was to find Glomerular filtration rate in alcoholics based on CG (Cockcroft and Gault equation) and MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) equations with respect to duration of their alcoholism. In this case-control study we have found that Glomerular filtration rate was consistently decreasing with increasing in duration of alcoholism according to CG GFR but MDRD equation was found to be not suitable for estimation of GFR in alcoholics under study based on their duration of alcoholism.
The mean CG GFR was showing a gradual decrease as the duration of Alcoholism increases:
TABLE: – Summary showing variation of CG GFR with respect to duration of alcoholism. Those taking alcohol for a period <10 years, the mean CG GFR was 94.787±44.531 |
Those taking alcohol for a period 11-20 years, the mean CG GFR was 85.260±35.075 |
Those taking alcohol for a period 21-30years, the mean CG GFR was 85.324±30.585 |
Those taking alcohol for a period >30 years, the mean CG GFR was 76.930±30.588 |
The non-alcoholic control showed mean CG GFR of 90.964±38.403 |
Thus the study concludes the the estimated GFR from CG equation shows consistent decrease as the duration of alcohol increases.